We are handbag manufacturer from China, our factory located in HuaDu district, Guangzhou. As an professional handbags supplier, we have advantage for producing different kinds of fashion bags, including PU handbags, genuine leather bags, canvas bags, printed bags, etc. We export various handbags all over the world with good quality, reasonable price and excellent logistic service.
We are happy to build up business relationship with wholesalers,distributors and retailers. To grow with customer and make mutual benefit is the aim that we always pursuit, it is our honor to offer excellent servise, low price for every customer. Welcome to place the sample order, trial order and bulk production. Our designer team often keep update the newest design as customer's request, custom design are welcome.
Fashion is no boundary, we believe in our customer service, guarantee quality, competitive price and novel design can create a win-win situation with every customer. Contact us now for more details, we sincerely hope to hear from you soon.